The Baha'i Principles

The Removal of All Prejudice

“The fifth Baha’i principle is that sexual prejudice, religious prejudice, spiritual prejudice, national prejudice, and political prejudice are the destroyers of human foundations and any form of prejudice ruins the basis of humankind. Not until these prejudices are removed, will the human world attain tranquility. The proof for [this claim] is that all wars and battles and all enmities and hatreds which have occurred amongst humans were either the result of national prejudice or the result of political prejudice. The human world has not seen peace for 6000 years and the reason for this lack of peace is these prejudices. Until there is prejudice, there will be war, there will be hatred, there will be enmity, and there will be inconvenience. If the human world is to attain comfort, we must dump all these prejudices or else tranquility will be impossible.”[1]

`Abdu’l-Bahā says:

National prejudice is also [rooted in] pure ignorance. For the surface of Earth is a single nation and all of planet earth is man’s home. Man has created these limits and borders and these limits and borders did not exist in nature . . . as for economical prejudice, it is obvious that the increase in international relations and exchanging goods and every economical center which is created in any land, will inevitably expand to other lands and general welfare will show itself. So, why have prejudice?  But regarding political prejudice, God’s policies must be followed and it is very clear that divine policies are grander than human policies. We must follow divine policies for He is the same to all people and has no difference. He is the base of all divine religions.[2]

[1] `Abdu’l-Bahā, Khaṭābāt (Tehran), vol. 2, pp. 147–148.

[2] `Abdu’l-Bahā, Makātīb (Egypt), vol. 3, pp. 105–106.


Bahaullah and Abdul Baha
Founder of Baha'i and his successor

Women are inferior to men, they take a smaller share of inheritance, and cannot be a member of the UHJ.

Abdul Baha
Eldest Son Of Bahaullah

The inhabitants of a land like Africa are all like wild savages and land-dwelling animals that lack common-sense and knowledge.

Founder of Baha'i sect

Non-Baha’is are like dry wood that are only worthy of fire.

Founder of Baha'i sect

Non-Baha’is are Bastards

Founder of Baha'i sect

Non-Baha’is are animals.

Founder of Baha'i sect

Non-Baha’is do not inherit from their Baha’i parents.

Founder of Baha'i sect

Only Baha’is are knowledgeable and reasonable and non-Baha’is are ignorant and lack reason.

Bahā’u’llāh and `Abdu’l-Bahā
Founder of Baha'i and his successor

Keep away from non-Baha’is and do not socialize with them.