The Baha'i Principles

Independent Investigation of Truth

The Investigation of Truth is one of the most important of the twelve Baha’i principles.

Abdu’l-Bahā introduced this as the first of Bahā’u’llāh’s teachings.

Baha’i’s preach that every individual must investigate and seek the truth. They must listen with their own ears, see with their own eyes, and contemplate without the influence of any love or hatred. Man must Abdul Baha says :

Man must seek the truth and set aside imitations. The nations of the world each have their own imitations and each are different. The imitations have caused war and conflict, and as long as these imitations remain, the unity of the human world is not possible. Thus, one must seek the truth so that with its light, these darkness’s disappear. For truth is only one. It does not accept plurality or division . . . These imitations, have made the human world dark. These imitations have caused war and killings. These imitations have caused hatred and enmity. Thus, we must seek the truth so that we can be freed from all of the hardships and [our] insights can be awakened and we can find way to the Divine Kingdom.

According to `Abdul-Bahā, since every nation has its own set of imitations, and none of them ever heads towards a single truth, they will always be at war with each other. Instead, they should put these imitations aside and independently search for the truth so that all problems are solved. He also says: 

Those who are fair will examine, research, and inquire. This examination and inquiry will result in their guidance . . . they say, “We will go and see, and we will investigate the truth.”

Founder of Baha'i

When I speak become death, blind, and ignorant and blindly accept my words.

Founder of Baha'i

Even if someone criticizes Baha’ism with proof, do not listen.

Founder of Baha'i

Accept my words without any questions or comparison with someone else’s words.

Founder of Baha'i

Recognition cannot be obtained by the use of reason

Founder of Baha'i

Whoever does not become a Baha’i is among the most ignorant of the people, even if he has mastery over all sciences. Whoever does not become a Baha’i has no reason even if he thinks he does. Whoever denies my teachings completely lacks reason.