The Baha'i Principles

Universal Compulsory Education

Is This Principle Correct From a Rational and Logical Perspective?

It is obvious that education for all people is preferred and valuable. What is more important than education itself, is the curriculum and content by which the goals of education must be achieved. Although `Abdu’l-Bahā insists on compulsory education and an identical curriculum and method of education for all people, neither the curriculum and nor the subjects that must be taught have been specified in detail.

Did the Founders of Baha’ism Implement the Principle of Universal Compulsory Education?

`Abdu’l-Bahā had insisted that all people everywhere should be educated using the exact same manner and system:
It is necessary that the guidelines and laws of education be the same [everywhere] so that all humankind are given the same education. This means education and nurturing must be the same in all schools. All elements and methods must be the same.