The Baha'i Principles

Equality of Men and Women

Is Equality of Men and Women Correct From a Rational and Logical Perspective?

What `Abdu’l-Bahā is clearly claiming is that there is or must be complete and utter equality between men and women and their rights. This belief is illogical. Under no circumstances can two different groups with great differences in their emotional, psychological, and physical aspects be expected to be exactly equal and have perfectly identical rights.

Women’s Dowry

According to Bahā’u’llāh:

No marriage may be contracted without payment of a dowry, which hath been fixed for city-dwellers at nineteen mithqāls[1] of pure gold, and for village-dwellers at the same amount in silver. Whoso wisheth to increase this sum, it is forbidden him to exceed the limit of ninety-five mithqāls. Thus hath the command been writ in majesty and power.[2]