The Baha'i Principles

Religion Must be the Source of Unity and Fellowship in the World

`Abdu’l-Bahā reiterates many times that if religion causes divisions instead of unity, its non-existence is better than its existence:

Religion must be the cause of unity and fellowship. If religion causes enmity it will have no result and having no religion is better. For it becomes the cause of enmity and hatred between humanity and whatever causes enmity is hated by God and whatever causes unity and fellowship is accepted and praised. If religion causes killing and savagery it is not religion and having no religion is better than that. For religion is meant to be a cure. If a cure causes sickness then of course, no cure is better than it. Thus, if religion causes war and slaughter, then of course, it is better to have no religion.[1]

Religion should create unity and create links between the hearts. Jesus and the other divine prophets came to create unity and fellowship. If religion causes divisions, its non-existence is preferred.[2]

Baha’is claim that Bahā’u’llāh has brought a new religion whose main purpose is to bring about world peace and unity to the world of humanity; this peace and unity must occur under the shadow of kindness and fellowship. If a religion does not bring about kindness, peace, and unity, then it is not a religion.

[1] `Abd al-Ḥamīd Ishrāq Khāwarī, Payām-i malakūt, pp. 44–45.

[2] `Abd al-Ḥamīd Ishrāq Khāwarī, Payām-i malakūt, p. 59.

Abdul Baha
Eldest Son Of Bahaullah

In Iraq, Bahā’u’llāh had caused such fear in the heart of the Muslims, that not a single person dared to protest against him.

Founder of Baha'i

Once my followers conquer the lands they will cleanse them from non-Baha’is and everyone will fear them!

Founder of Baha'i

“Be like a flame of fire to my enemies and a river of eternal life to my friends.” “We did not want to meet you except to complete God’s proof upon you and those who are around you so that the fire of hatred would dwell in your chest and the chest of those who do not believe in the Lord of the Lords.

Founder of Baha'i

When I claimed to be He Whom God Shall make Manifest, such hatred and envy occurred that had never existed to such a degree from the beginning of creation and never will occur again. I want to incite the fire of hatred in the chest of non-Baha’is.  

Founder of Baha'i

Torment the deniers of Baha’ism.

Bahaullah and Abdul Baha
Founder of Baha'i and his successor

The Bāb gave the order to massacre and behead all non-Bābīs.