The Baha'i Principles

Month: June 2021

Baha’ism is the Criterion for the Validity of Reason and Science

The first and utmost problem is that Bahā’u’llāh, neither regards reason nor science, as a usable tool for recognizing the truth about a religion. Rather, he believes that Baha’ism is the yardstick of truth and anything uttered in it however unscientific and unreasonable that it may be is the absolute truth. He believes that the correctness of peoples’ knowledge and reason must be measured using the words of Bahā’u’llāh, not the other way around:

Is the principle “Religion Must Be in Conformity with Science and Reason” New?

`Abdu’l-Bahā claims that this principle is new:
Furthermore, He proclaims that religion must be in harmony with science and reason. If it does not conform to science and reconcile with reason, it is superstition. Down to the present day it has been customary for man to accept a religious teaching, even though it was not in accord with human reason and judgment. The harmony of religious belief with reason is a new vista which Bahā’u’llāh has opened for the soul of man.

Bahā’u’llāh and Peace

In contrast to what Baha’is claim, Bahā’u’llāh had a violent history. Bahā’u’llāh had claimed to be a manifestation of Ḥusayn the grandson of the Prophet Muḥammad. Ḥusayn was ruthlessly murdered by Yazīd in cold blood. Bahā’u’llāh’s actions were so violent while he was in Baghdad that according to his aunt, the people would recite the following verse of poetry when referring to him:

Wars During the Bāb’s Era

When the Bāb was imprisoned in Chihrīq, Muḥammad Shah of Qājār passed away and the princes and nobles of the court became preoccupied with the issues of succession. This put the country in a state of chaos and turmoil. The Bābīs took advantage of this situation and began to riot under the orders of the Bāb. These riots eventually lead to three bloody wars in three different regions of Persia.