The Baha'i Principles

Month: May 2021

Multiple Fallacies in Translations of Baha’i Texts That Are Propagated by the Baha’i Administration

Why is there so much interest and eager sympathy shown towards these twenty individuals, while for five thousand persons there is none? [Because they are not French. If they are cut to pieces it is of no concern] They are all men, they all belong to the family of mankind, but they are of other lands and races. It is no concern of the disinterested countries if these men are cut to pieces, this wholesale slaughter does not affect them!

The Baha’i Administration Has Failed in Implementing This Principle

Although Baha’is propagate this principle with great pride and regard it as one of their greatest teachings in achieving oneness of humanity, the Baha’i administration has failed after more than 150 years, in implementing Bahā’u’llāh’s direct order in implementing this principle or even selecting or creating a single language to serve this purpose!